International Public Utility Foundation
for women's empowerment and equality
> The 37 variables of Millennia2015
V45 - The power of stories and of intergenerational transmission to inspire change
Definition of the variable
The power of stories and of intergenerational transmission to inspire change: creative women at the heart of a dialogue of cultures, mastering traditional languages and stories as basis of action for a coherent future;
the power of stories to share knowledge, to work together, as source of healing, teaching and inspiration;
the crossroad between cyber world and real world, between predominantly young or old cultures, between generations without contact or knowledge of each others in order to valorizing, assessing, making visible the common potential we possess, as well as the one we are responsible for the future generations, our body, our health, our planet;
the importance of sharing young generation's energy with older generations' wisdom and of working in multi-generational teams to build new projects as a challenge of creativity for the future, to strengthen, to teach, to heal and to inspire, as models for change.
18 associated source-variables to V45
321 source-variables (vs) have been extracted from the best sequences of the 62 interventions presented during Millennia2015's first international conference about "Information transfer" in Liege, 7 and 8 March 2008. Those source-variables have been connected to the main 37 variables in 3 rounds of choices (c1-c2-c3). The source-variables are presented in 2 languages: firstly the original language of the intervention (English or French), secondly the translation (English or French). Those source-variables contribute to define and explain the 37 variables.
vs022-c1. Development as a women's issue and women as a development issue.
vs022-c1. Le développement comme enjeux pour les femmes et les femmes comme enjeux du développement.
Pera WELLS, "Strengthening the capacities of international organizations and global networks", Millennia2015 IT2008, Opening plenary "Women actors of development for the global challenges", Liège, 07.03.2008 (01- P1-1)
vs033-c3. Women assuming responsibility for the future generations.
vs033-c3. Les femmes assumant la responsabilité des générations futures.
Eleonora MASINI, "Enhancing Women's capacities", Millennia2015 IT2008, Opening plenary "Access to information and knowledge : enhancing capacities for women", Liège, 07.03.2008 (02- P1-2)
vs095-c2. Women's visions of a feminist society through grassroots activism, women writing, feminist science-fiction and utopian writing.
vs095-c2. Les visions d'une société féministe par les femmes au travers de l'activisme de base, de l'écriture des femmes, de la science-fiction féministe et des écrits utopiques.
Ivana MILOJEVIĆ, "Millennia2015 actors of development for the global challenges", Millennia2015 IT 2008, Workshop " Enhancing women's rights, ethics, gender equality and political empowerment ", Liège, 07.03.2008 (05- W2)
vs175-c2. Les femmes créatrices au cœur d'un dialogue des cultures.
vs175-c2. Creative women at the heart of a dialogue of cultures.
Pietro SICURO, "Diversité culturelle et linguistique, les femmes et la gouvernance de l'internet", Millennia2015 IT2008, Plénière "Diversité culturelle et linguistique, les femmes et la gouvernance de l'internet", Liège, 08.03.2008 (08- P3-2)
vs203-c3. The crossroad between cyber world and real world, between predominantly young or old cultures, between generations without contact or knowledge of each others.
vs203-c3. Le carrefour entre le monde virtuel et le monde réel, entre des cultures à prédominance jeune ou âgées, entre des générations sans contact ou connaissance l'une des autres.
Elizabeth Florescu, "Adding life to the years, science and technology benefiting women", Millennia2015 IT2008, Workshop "Adding life to the years, science and technology benefiting women", Liège, 08.02.2008 (10- W5)
vs220-c1. The past creating the present and the present creating the future.
vs220-c1. Le passé créateur du présent et le présent créateur de l'avenir.
Jan Lee Martin, "Imagining new futures: the simple power of story", Millennia2015 IT2008, Workshop "Towards a knowledge society: creativity, cultures and medias", Liège, 08.02.2008 (11- W6)
vs221-c1. The power of stories to share knowledge, to work together, to heal, to teach and to inspire.
vs221-c1. Le pouvoir des histoires pour partager la connaissance, travailler ensemble, comme source de guérison, d'enseignement et d'inspiration.
Jan Lee Martin, "Imagining new futures: the simple power of story", Millennia2015 IT2008, Workshop "Towards a knowledge society: creativity, cultures and medias", Liège, 08.02.2008 (11- W6)
vs224-c3. The importance collecting the wisdom of earlier times and of creating new stories as bridges to new futures.
vs224-c3. L'importance de collecter la sagesse des temps anciens et de créer de nouvelles histoires comme ponts vers de nouveaux futurs.
Jan Lee Martin, "Imagining new futures: the simple power of story", Millennia2015 IT2008, Workshop "Towards a knowledge society: creativity, cultures and medias", Liège, 08.02.2008 (11- W6)
vs225-c1. All generations working as a team to build new projects as a challenge to be creative for the future.
vs225-c1. Travailler en équipes multi générationnelles pour construire de nouveaux projets comme un challenge de créativité pour l'avenir.
Aroha Crowchild, "Towards a knowledge society: creativity, cultures and medias", Millennia2015 IT2008, Workshop "Towards a knowledge society: creativity, cultures and medias", Liège, 08.02.2008 (11- W6)
vs226-c1. La maîtrise des langues et des histoires traditionnelles comme base d'action pour un avenir cohérent.
vs226-c1. Mastering traditional languages and stories as basis of action for a coherent future.
Aroha Crowchild, "Towards a knowledge society: creativity, cultures and medias", Millennia2015 IT2008, Workshop "Towards a knowledge society: creativity, cultures and medias", Liège, 08.02.2008 (11- W6)
vs245-c1. Information, education and networks as solutions to women empowerment.
vs245-c1. L'information, l'éducation et les réseaux comme solutions pour l'autonomisation des femmes.
Ivana Milojević, "Reports of the Workshops", Millennia2015 IT2008, Closing Plenary "Reports of the Workshops", Liège, 08.03.2008 (12- W4-1)
vs255-c1. The importance of sharing young generation's energy with older generations' wisdom.
vs255-c1. L'importance de partager l'énergie des jeunes générations avec la sagesse des générations plus anciennes.
Elizabeth Florescu, "Reports of the Workshops", Millennia2015 IT2008, Closing Plenary "Reports of the Workshops", Liège, 08.03.2008 (12- W4-1)
vs259-c1. The creation of new stories by women to strengthen, to teach, to heal and to inspire as models for change.
vs259-c1. La création de nouvelles histoires par les femmes pour donner plus de force, pour enseigner, pour soigner et pour inspirer, comme modèles pour le changement.
Jan Lee Martin, "Reports of the Workshops", Millennia2015 IT2008, Closing Plenary "Reports of the Workshops", Liège, 08.03.2008 (12- W4-1)
vs260-c1. The power of older and native stories to reconnect spirit with body, nature with culture to recognize and to protect Earth as a living organism.
vs260-c1. La force des histoires traditionnelles pour reconnecter l'esprit avec le corps, la nature avec la culture, pour considérer à nouveau la Terre comme un organisme vivant et la protéger comme telle.
Jan Lee Martin, "Reports of the Workshops", Millennia2015 IT2008, Closing Plenary "Reports of the Workshops", Liège, 08.03.2008 (12- W4-1)
vs262-c1. Creating and sharing new stories for a better life as a mission for women.
vs262-c1. La création et le partage de nouvelles histoires pour une vie meilleure comme mission pour les femmes.
Jan Lee Martin, "Reports of the Workshops", Millennia2015 IT2008, Closing Plenary "Reports of the Workshops", Liège, 08.03.2008 (12- W4-1)
vs290-c1. The need for a legal framework for looking at issues between generations.
vs290-c1. La nécessité d'un cadre légal pour étudier les enjeux intergénérationnels.
Pera Wells, "Millennia2015: Outcomes of the meeting", Millennia2015 IT2008, Closing Plenary "Women actors of development and change, Women architect of the future", Liège, 08.03.2008 (13- P4-2)
vs298-c1. The present is the consequence of how you think about the future.
vs298-c1. Le présent est une conséquence de notre manière de penser à l'avenir.
Françoise Massit-Folléa, "Conclusions générales et mémorandum de la session 2008 de Millennia2015", Millennia2015 IT2008, Plénière de Clôture "femmes actrices de développement et de changement, Femmes créatrices d'avenir", Liège, 08.03.2008, (14- P4-3)
vs303-c3. Mettre en valeur, repérer, visibiliser le potentiel commun dont nous sommes détentrices, mais aussi celui dont nous avons la garde pour les générations futures, notre corps, notre santé, notre planète.
vs303-c3. Valorizing, assessing, making visible the common potential we possess, but also the one we are responsible for the future generations, our body, our health, our planet.
Françoise Massit-Folléa, "Conclusions générales et mémorandum de la session 2008 de Millennia2015", Millennia2015 IT2008, Plénière de Clôture "Femmes actrices de développement et de changement, Femmes créatrices d'avenir", Liège, 08.03.2008, (14- P4-3)
Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation
Organization in Special Consultative Status
with the United Nations Economic and Social Council
(ECOSOC) since 2019
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