International Public Utility Foundation
for women's empowerment and equality
The four main international conferences built by
the Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation linked with
The Destree Institute to implement
the global foresight research process for
women's empowerment and equality are documented below:
= 151 speeches + 148 documents + 91 videos + 1.308 photos
Women actors of development for the global challenges
> Proceedings and photos of the Millennia2015 first international conference
Friday 7 + Saturday 8 March 2008
Marie-Anne DELAHAUT, dir, "Millennia2015, Femmes actrices de développement pour les enjeux mondiaux", Etape du "Transfert d'informations" du processus de recherche prospective, Conférence internationale organisée au Palais des Congrès de Liège, 7-8 mars 2008, Actes publiés en ligne par l'Institut Destrée, Namur, 2008.
Photos (c) Julien Destatte, Fondation Millennia2025 Femmes et Innovation.
Foresight analysis of the 37 variables of Millennia2015
+ Millennia2015 Women and Health (WeHealth) session
> Proceedings and photos of the Millennia2015 International Seminar
Ecole des Mines, Paris
21 November 2011
On that occasion, Marie-Anne Delahaut, director of research at The Destree Institute and head and founder of Millennia2015 presented the Millennia2015 Foresight Research Process, its goals and evolution. She also made a presentation of Millennia2015 foresight methodology that will allow leard to the Millennia2015 action plan for women's empowerment. That action plan has been finalized during the international conference Millennia2015, an action plan for women's empowerment organized under the patronage of UNESCO on 3 and 4 December 2012 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris.
Véronique Thouvenot, head of the Millennia2015 "Women and eHealth" international working group presented the first results of WeHealth.
Photos (c) Julien Destatte, Fondation Millennia2025 Femmes et Innovation.
> Millennia2015 Speakers and participants, Ecole des Mines, Paris, 21 November 2011.
An action plan for women's empowerment
> Proceedings and photos of the International conference
organized by The Destree Institute and the Millennia2025 Women & Innovation Foundation
with the patronage of the UNESCO
Honored by the presence of
Ms Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director-General and
Ms Saniye Gülser Corat, Director of the UNESCO Division for Gender Equality in the Office of the Director-General of the UNESCO
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris
Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 December 2012
+ Foresight research methodology qualifying trainings
Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6 December 2012, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris
Photos (c) Julien Destatte, Fondation Millennia2025 Femmes et Innovation.
Part of the Millennia2025 speakers and participants, UNESCO mail hall, Paris, 4 December 2012.
Les actions concrètes de la Fondation Millennia2025 Femmes et Innovation, FUPu
Millennia2025 Solidari-Femmes :
Votre solidarité pour notre avenir
Solidarité avec les femmes en situation de précarité
> Action concrète et conférence internationale
organisées par
la Fondation Millennia2025 Femmes et Innovation, FUPu,
avec l'appui de l'Université de Namur, l'Institut Destrée,
le Comité Afro Européen asbl et Gender asbl :
Samedi 25 avril 2015
Université de Namur,
Salle académique de la Faculté d'Informatique
21, rue Grandgagnage, 5000 Namur
Photos (c) Julien Destatte, Fondation Millennia2025 Femmes et Innovation.
Une partie des participant-e-s de Millennia2025 Solidari-Femmes à l'Université de Namur, 25.04.2015.
Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation
Organization in Special Consultative Status
with the United Nations Economic and Social Council
(ECOSOC) since 2019
(c) https://www.Millennia2025-Foundation.org
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