International Public Utility Foundation
for women's empowerment and equality
> Millennia2015 - Conférence internationale 2008 - Palais des Congrès de Liège
Women actors of development and change, Women architects of the future
13-P4-2 - Session plénière de clôture 2 - Closing Plenary Session 2
Introduction et présidence : Anne-Marie Lizin
Intervenant-e-s : Pascale Delcominette - Joan Dzenowagis - Zhouying Jin - Pera Wells
v Introduction et présidence
Anne-Marie Lizin
Sénatrice (Sénat de Belgique), Membre du Collège des Questeurs, Ancienne présidente du Sénat fédéral belge (2004-2007);
Vice-présidente de l'Assemblée parlementaire de l'Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe (OSCE);
Présidente de la Synergie Wallonie du Conseil des Femmes francophones de Belgique (CFFB);
Huy, Wallonie
v Abstract :
C'est un sujet qui me tient particulièrement à cœur non seulement en tant que citoyenne mais aussi en tant que femme politique qui a toujours été animée d'un profond souci d'assurer le traitement égal entre hommes et femmes à tous les niveaux.
Pendant ma longue carrière, j'ai eu le privilège d'entendre le témoignage de nombreuses femmes et je peux vous assurer qu'ils m'ont souvent émue, choquée voir bouleversée. Mais en même temps, j'étais émerveillée par le courage, le refus de se rendre et la détermination de poursuivre la lutte pour un destin plus juste, plus équitable...
Partout dans le monde, les femmes s'organisent et tentent de faire reconnaître leur rôle et leur contribution dans la vie économique et sociale. Dans tous les domaines, une prise de conscience a émergé quant à l'apport des femmes dans l'agriculture, la santé, l'éducation et tous les domaines reliés à la satisfaction des besoins de base.
- Les femmes qui font avancer l'Afrique;
-- Rabiatou Sera Diallo, symbole de la contestation guinéenne;
-- Fatiha Brahimi redonne des couleurs à la justice algérienne;
-- La présidente libérienne Ellen Johnson Sirleaf fait plier Mittal Steel;
-- L'avocate camerounaise Alice Nkom plaide contre la pénalisation de l'homosexualité;
-- Yaye Bayam Diouf sensibilise contre l'émigration clandestine au Sénégal.
- "Les Femmes redéfinissent la Paix au Moyen-Orient et au-delà"
Le Mouvement International des femmes pour la paix : Suzanne Mubarak.
> Document : Femmes actrices de développement et de changement, Femmes créatrice d’avenir [pdf]
> Podcast : Femmes actrices de développement et de changement, Femmes créatrice d’avenir [vidéo]
v Intervenant-e-s
Pascale Delcominette
Cheffe de Cabinet du Ministre de la Santé, de l'Action sociale et de l'Egalité des Chances au gouvernement de la Région wallonne;
Namur, Wallonie
> Podcast : Femmes actrices de développement et de changement, Femmes créatrice d'avenir [vidéo]
Joan Dzenowagis
Senior Scientist, Evidence et information pour les politiques,
World Health Organization / Organisation mondiale de la Santé
Geneva, Switzerland
v Abstract :
Millennia2015: Connecting for Health
- World Health Organization;
- Future => globalization;
- Health: a shared challenge;
- Network à 4th utility;
- www = abundance;
- Networked world à redefining health;
- www = change;
- Changing expectations and dynamics of health care;
- Opportunities in chronic care;
- Health and ICT expenditure;
- Knowledge = power ?
- ICT makes the gaps obvious;
- Health worker shortages;
- Connecting for health;
- Governments, International agencies, Health institutions & academia;
- People's involvement;
- Health in our hands...
> Presentation : Millennia2015: Connecting for Health [pdf]
> Podcast : Millennia2015: Connecting for Health [vidéo]
Zhouying Jin
Professor Zhouying Jin is a senior researcher and professor of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS); Director of Center for Technology Innovation and Strategy Studies (CTISS) of CASS. She is president and founder for the Beijing Academy of Soft Technology.
She is also Chairman and founder of the Future 500 China.
Academic Experience:
Academic member of Shanghai Academy of Systematic Science;
A Guest Professor of Hohai University (Nanjing), Tsinghua University(Beijing) and Chinese University of Science and Technology.
She is Research Fellow of World Business Academy Ojai, CA, U.S.;
Planning Committee Member of the Millennium Project and Co-chair of China node (United Nation University of American council);
Member of The Brussels-EU Chapter of the Club of Rome;
Senior Research Fellow of IC2 Institute At Austin, Member of World Future Society;
Fellow of the WIF (World innovation Foundation).
She was a Member of Professional Committee of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (1992-1998).
Beijing, China
v Abstract :
Women's creativity and Soft technology
This paper tries to explain the women's role in the field of technology innovation and the action for building the sustainable and harmonious world from the perspective of soft technology and women's thinking mode.
The challenges in the 21st century especially many negative impacts that brought by the speedup of industrialization during more than 200 years, could not be solved by only the hard power and hard technology. Taking the example of China, for implementing government strategy, it'll be insufficient just to rely on the high technology to solve the “problems” facing China.
Then, first, this paper illustrates what technology is and what soft technology is. The author believes that in 21st century, Soft technology will be a leading actor and its characteristics for “problem-solving” are suited to meet those challenges in 21st century. New understanding of technology will help us to fresh many fundamental issues, such as The Driving force of Human society, Technological Competitiveness, What is Innovation and How to Innovate, Institutional Innovation & Soft Technology Innovation, The gap of Developed & Developing Countries, etc.
Second, it explains that characteristics of Soft technology are suited to exert women's creativity. In addition soft technology is the tools & contents of hard-technology innovation.
Finally it appeals the woman's sense of responsibility in the 21st century.
> Document : Women's creativity and Soft technology [pdf]
> Podcast : Women's creativity and Soft technology [vidéo]
Pera Wells
Secretary-General of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA);
New York, USA
v Abstract :
Millennia2015: Outcomes of the meeting
- 1. Understand present and possible alternative futures;
- 2. Support a culture of peaceful diversity – recognize role of women as mediators;
- 3. Recognize women as bearers of rights and builders of alternative futures – search for hopeful signs. Support women as actors of social change;
- 4. Create networks.
- Outstanding issues.
> Document : Millennia2015: Outcomes of the meeting [pdf]
> Podcast : Millennia2015: Outcomes of the meeting [vidéo]
Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation
Organization in Special Consultative Status
with the United Nations Economic and Social Council
(ECOSOC) since 2019
(c) https://www.Millennia2025-Foundation.org
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