International Public Utility Foundation
for women's empowerment and equality
> Millennia2015 - Conférence internationale 2008 - Palais des Congrès de Liège
Enhancing women's rights, ethics, gender equality and political empowerment
05-W2 - Atelier 2 - Workshop 2
Introduction et présidence : Ivana Milojević
Intervenant-e-s : Colette Mfaram-Atchang-Ndio - Sawsan Sadek - Fatoumata Sidibe
v Introduction et présidence
Ivana Milojević
Dr. Ivana Milojević is research director of Metafuture.org. She is a researcher and an educator with the background in sociology, gender, peace and futures studies. Ivana is also an Adjunct Researcher at The University of the Sunshine Coast;, Australia where she teaches Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies course.
In 2008 and 2009 she was appointed as Visiting Professor at the Centre for Gender Studies, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, to teach a number of short courses including Towards a Knowledge Base for Feminist/Gender Inclusive Futures, Spiritual Ecofeminism and Gender, Peace, Education and World Futures.
Dr. Milojević is a member of the World Futures Studies Federation, a member of the Peace Education Commission within International Peace Research Association and a member of newly founded Nonkilling Futures Studies Research Committee (Centre for Global Nonkilling, Honolulu).
Sunshine Coast, Australia
Ivana Milojević's publications include:
- Feminist Futures (ed. with Karen Hurley and Anne Jenkins), special issue of Futures: The Journal of policy, planning and futures studies, Vol. 40, No. 4, May 2008;
- Alternative Educational Futures: Pedagogies for Emergent Worlds (ed. with Sohail Inayatullah and Marcus Bussey) Sense Publishers, Rotterdam (2008);
- Neohumanist Educational Futures: Liberating the Pedagogical Intellect (ed. with Sohail Inayatullah and Marcus Bussey) Tamkang University Press, Tamsui, Taipei (2006);
- Alternative Futures of Education: Dominant and Contesting Visions. London: Routledge (2005);
- Researching Identity, Diversity and Education (ed. with Julie Yamanashi), Post Pressed (2005); and
- Moving Forward: Teachers and Students against Racism, (with Allan Luke, Carmen Luke, Martin Mills, and Ray Land), Armadale, Vic.: Eleanor Curtain Publishing (2001).
- Forthcoming in 2009-2010 is: Imagining a Different Future: Feminine Epistemologies and Politics.
Ivana has written extensively in the area of feminist futures contributing chapters in The Knowledge Base of Futures Studies (ed. by Richard Slaughter); World Yearbook of Education 1998 (on Futures Education, ed. by David Hicks and Richard Slaughter); Rescuing the Future: The Futures of Futures Studies (ed. by Ziauddin Sardar); Women and Internet (ed. by Wendy Harcourt); Futures Studies: Methods, Emerging Issues and Civilization Visions: A Multimedia (ed. by Sohail Inayatullah and Paul Wildman); Utopian Thinking in Sociology: Creating the Good Society and Defeating Terrorism/Developing Dreams: Beyond 9/11 and the Iraq War, vol. 1 (both edited by Arthur Shostak), as well as in other books (edited by Sohail Inayatullah and others: for example, The Causal Layered Analysis Reader, Transforming Communication, The University in Transformation, etc.). She has published articles in Futures, Futures Research Quarterly, Journal of Futures Studies and World Futures Studies Federation Bulletin.
v Abstract :
- Main global challenges: human/human and human/nature relationships;
- Women's activism in addressing global issues and futures issues up until now;
- Workshop 2 (Enhancing women's rights, ethics, gender equality and political empowerment);
- Thus focus on political issues.
Gender Issues
[Written for Berkshire Encyclopedia of the 21st Century, forthcoming (2008)]
Gender refers to the social construction of humans physiologically and biologically identified as women and men. Because gender is a socially constructed category, we are ‘doing' rather than being men or women. That is, we (humans) engage in the cultural behaviours of practicing femininity and masculinity. However, gender categories are much more fluid than simply those of women/men; they exist on a continuum between these two ‘ideal types' (of females and males). Most people exhibit a combination of what are believed to be binary opposing female and male traits such as, for example: intuition/instinct versus rationality; receptive/passive versus active; protective/nourishing versus forceful/assertive; moon- versus sun-like. This symbolism – binarism between two genders – exists in most world cultures but the actual manifestation/description of these traits differs through space and time. Contemporary global culture is significantly based on this dualism, which is, however, being challenged by some significant future trends.
- The futures of gender;
- Continued female–male polarity;
- Unisex androgyny;
- Multiple gender diversities;
- Implications for the future of our global human society;
- Bibliography.
> Document : Gender issues [pdf]
> Document : Futures studies [pdf]
> Document : Women [pdf]
> Podcast : Women and Gender issues [vidéo]
v Intervenant-e-s
Colette Mfaram-Atchang-Ndio
Maîtrise en Droit privé;
Cadre contractuel d'Administration au Bureau principal des Douanes de l'Aéroport de Yaoudé-Nsimalen;
Militante dans plusieurs associations de défense des droits de la Femme.
Yaoundé, Cameroun
v Abstract :
L'article 1er de la Déclaration Générale Universelle des Droits de l'Homme adoptée par l'Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies, résolutions 217 alinéas 3 du 10 décembre 1948 stipule que « Tous les êtres humains naissent libres et égaux en dignité et en droit. Ils sont doués de raison et de conscience et doivent agir les uns envers les autres dans un esprit de fraternité. » Le Cameroun reprend cette disposition dans le préambule de sa loi fondamentale ou plus précisément dans la constitution du 18 janvier 1996 en insistant : « et que tous les hommes sont égaux en droits et en devoirs ». De ce fait, hommes et femmes disposent de mêmes droits et devoirs. Et les femmes camerounaises en tant qu'êtres humains disposeraient indéniablement des mêmes droits en tant que citoyennes à part entière, membres de la collectivité nationale.
I - Les droits des femmes : une condition certaine à leur action politique;
A – L'octroi du droit de vote;
1 – Discrimination dans la distribution des postes de responsabilité;
2 – L'existence des préjugés;
B. Engagement politique très faible;
1. A l'Assemblée nationale;
2. Dans l'Exécutif;
C. Le rôle politique majeur des femmes;
II. Les droits des femmes : une réalité insuffisante pour leur citoyenneté politique;
A - Persistance des discriminations;
1 - Analphabétisme des petites filles;
III. L'intérêt des Droits des femmes au Cameroun et leur citoyenneté politique.
> Document : Droit des femmes au Cameroun et leur citoyenneté politique [pdf]
> Podcast : Droit des femmes au Cameroun et leur citoyenneté politique [vidéo]
Sawsan Sadek
Docteur es Sciences;
Enseignante Contractuelle à plein temps à l'Université libanaise, Institut Universitaire de Technologie à Saida au département Génie des Réseaux Informatiques et Télécommunications (GRIT)
Chehim, Liban
v Abstract :
Situation de la femme libanaise au niveau professionnel, social et politique
Lebanese women are present in large numbers in all sectors, whether in education, media or medicine. In the judiciary system female presence is very effective and important, with a percentage of 20 percent.
However, my case is a rare example of a scientist woman at IUT Saida, in the Lebanese university working in research activity in the field of microwave and medical applications.
As for woman's involvement in high-level public positions, the more the hierarchy increase, the greater the percentage decreases to reach 1.6% in the first category and be null in the Supreme Judicial Council for example or the Constitutional Council.
At the political level, the government has decided to grant the right of vote to Lebanese women in 1952 and it was ratified in 1953 by a decree stipulating her right to elect and be elected. However, the confessional Lebanese political system which is based on confessionals quotas decrease women's participation in politics, taking into account the political and economic chaos that hit the country since the assassination of Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and Israelite's aggression in summer 2006.
The current parliament is the one which contains the largest number of women in the history of Lebanon: 5 women among 128. Also, a woman minister is in the government at the Ministry of Social Affairs. No woman has been presented to the presidential elections.
Promoting women's rights could be more valuable with educational programs and campaigns, supporting women especially those who have a brilliant scholarship, helping her progressing in her career, on national and international level.
> Présentation : Situation de la femme libanaise au niveau professionnel, social et politique [pdf]
> Podcast : Situation de la femme libanaise au niveau professionnel, social et politique [vidéo]
Fatoumata Sidibé
Fatoumata Sidibé est journaliste, peintre, écrivaine, présidente du comité belge Ni Putes Ni Soumises.
Licenciée en communication sociale et en journalisme (UCL), Fatoumata Sidibé, originaire du Mali, vit en Belgique depuis prés de 30 ans. Elle a travaillé dans le domaine de la communication, de l'édition, des relations publiques et du social tant pour le privé que dans le monde associatif.
Depuis 2002, elle est responsable de projets au Centre régional du Libre Examen où, outre l'organisation de colloques et de conférences, elle mène des projets concernant la problématique des femmes issues de l'immigration. En 2006, elle a notamment coordonné avec le Centre du Libre Examen trois ouvrages consacrés aux associations de femmes.
Fatoumata Sidibé est également journaliste indépendante. Depuis 1994, elle est notamment correspondante permanente de presse du Magazine français Amina en Belgique. Elle est aussi peintre et écrivaine. Son premier roman "Une saison africaine", Editions Présence Africaine, Paris, avril 2006, met en scène une femme d'Afrique qui se découvre un espace de liberté grâce à l'alphabétisation et qui, par sa pugnacité, retourne la situation à son avantage.
> Podcast : Valorisation des droits des femmes, éthique, égalité des chances et participation politique [vidéo]
Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation
Organization in Special Consultative Status
with the United Nations Economic and Social Council
(ECOSOC) since 2019
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