Fondation internationale d'utilité publique
pour l'autonomisation des femmes et l'égalité
> Le processus de prospective :
> 268 réponses aux 7 Macro Enjeux résultant du travail de recherche du Think Tank
Réponses d'Asie et d'Amérique
Asia - Asie
Vania Laksana Putri
Organisational Affairs, YEP!Youth EmPowering!
Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
To value women and girls skills, we have to motivate them all by show them the past decade role-model of girls of women that succeed to speak up their minds related to the social and political issues. Each Generation has it's problem, so does the circumstance of girls and women. But one thing has eternality is the Protection.
Woman and Girls should be protect, protect their rights to express their minds, thoughts, ability, and so on, no matter what.
In order to eradicate all forms of discrimination apointed to mobilize Men and Boys mentally, We have to conduct a visible effort , such as make an advertise to campaign the movement of eradicate the discrimination. We can use Media television, Radio, Publisher to make a basic platform. so Men and Boys all over the world can realize how important we respect and appreciate women and girls.
If we want to regaining the their self-confidences, We have to motivate them all by show them the past decade role-model of girls of women that succeed to speak up their minds related to the social and political issues.
In order to provide the affordable care and with proper quality, we have to conduct the decent program which is practicable
In order to conceive and carry out innovative societal transformations in order to achieve equality between women and men, we build a better circumstance whether the men and the boys respect women and girls, no distinction ahead.
In order to combine equitably the added value of women in economic, scientific and political decision-making, and political scientists for future, we have to excercise the women and girls to be able to lead and do some works to achieve their dreams. So automaticly They can live independently and have good selves-management
In order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and implement sustainable partnerships with the strategies of the Millennia2015 communities, Each chapter of Millennia2015 in each country or organization which has same scope with Millennia2015 in each country, binding commitment to endure program that support the its campaign.
Achut P. Gautam
Member Secretary
Nepal international consumers union
Kathmandu, Nepal
Free Education for girls and Women.
Vocational and Skill development programs for Women.
No broken promises - address to equality/elimination and prevention of violence against girls and women, poverty reduction.
Economic package to rural poor and helpless.
Legal court for Women for justice.
Family welfare scheme for health education and reproductive health.
Political stability for peace and development.
Anita Mathew
Educationist, Consultant Women and Children's Rights
Goa, India
My answers for 2025: a vision for a world where men, women and children share rights and responsibilities equally to make a just and peaceful world possible where we respect ourselves, others and the planet:
It is important to note that women and girls are affected by economic constraints the most, within families along with traditional values in countries like India where society remains primarily patriarchal still. It is clear that women cannot hope to be autonomous since they find it difficult to even access education or training or resources and are often forced to drop out at an early age from school since there is little scope for guaranteeing conditions usually controlled by men who are in decision making positions and few understand the meaning of genuine social and political success ,to value their skills in a framework of shared leadership which remains tokenistic and women are given proxy roles by men who control them from behind the scenes.
A great deal of thought on the HOW needs to be considered by examining root causes since women's rights are still not understood fully. The role of responsibilities has to be now brought on board for both men and women to break the cycle of oppression and suppression and stereotyping of gender roles. The definition of ‘empowerment' of women and girls has to be reassessed in all spheres of governance structures from bottom up as discussed especially by me in Variable-48.
Men and boys historically and more so in traditional societies are still classed under the role of hunter-gatherer's while women as nurturers-home makers in need of protection! In today's knowledge led millenium the roles are blurred among the haves but in India with over a billion population it is imperative to think of the millions below the poverty line still over- ridden by divisions based on caste and creeds. Those who cannot access technology and live in remote villages still follow lifestyles that continue to discriminate between boys and girls-to change mentalities remains a huge hurdle but it can happen with the right emphasis on the quality of health and education by giving respect to women and girls for their own potential as well as innate strengths and capacities. Men and boys too must be freed from trite gender stereotyping prevalent in all stratas of Indian society.
Television is a major source of change and influence in India and now has wide reach into these remote areas but the information provided by media needs to be viewed carefully and the relevant information must be aired to bring about change in the mentalities to eradicate violence against women and girls. Violence and representing ‘macho' images of men and subjugated roles by women must be condemned and more wholesome programmes given preference where men and women are seen first as human beings in equal partnership of mutual respect for each other.
When infant girls(Female foeticide) are eradicated before birth itself this remains the central aspect to raise self esteem of and confidence of women in a society that sees them before birth itself as burdens! Hence it is to do with first acknowledging women as having rights and it is the responsibility of the state to protect the lives of baby girls-it is the concerted work of those educated and speaking of women's rights to insist on tightening implementation of legal instruments like the PCPNDT ACT in India that protect women and girls.
Then through specific education that targets such inhuman practices men and women need to be sensitized on the importance of rights and responsibilities towards each other to make sure that the balance of human beings are maintained to save the species from annihilation and to save the future of the planet. It is an urgent task for all women all over the world to take cognizance of such archaic and evil practices in my country where we are fighting for as activists in states that remain backward with regard to women's rights and giving girls the platform to realize their innate potential and immense capabilities. We need support to talk about it in media and international forums to get the government to be more proactive.
India has launched National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) which trains women health workers ASHA who attend to women who cannot access the public health systems in villages and help with pregnancies and deliveries which has reduced MMR and IMR. This began to implement the MDG's and has been widely spoken about as a great improvement for women and children yet India has the most number of children with malnutrition in the under 5yrs age group. Some of the high development index states like Kerala and Goa do a good job on this front but lots needs to be desired especially in the poorer states which have to still catch up. The other aspect is child marriages that still happen and need to be eradicated for which the government has to join hands on a priority basis with NGO's and other civil society actors to stop the practice as it jeopardizes the health of girls and prevents them from being educated adequately.
The Training for Transformation which I attended in the Grail Centre in Kleinmond, South Africa where the participatory methods of Paulo Friere were done along with the ways to strengthen the developmental workers capacity as facilitators and animators to build learning communities has given me a lot of ideas to work with children on participation since I feel for change to happen in our society it has to begin with children
Child participation holds the key to bring in crucial and critical change as it is imperative to bring about an awakening of critical consciousness as Friere rightly says to allow communities to read their own realities and write their own histories.
Communities need to be enthused and motivated to find their own solutions by offering them relevant information by those working in development as the state is more interested in economic progress without a human face and to carry out societal transformation it is required for each individual now to reflect and act on what we have all done to destroy nature to build consumer oriented societies that is not sustainable
There is a need to gauge what women have contributed to the present modern state of the world which is the aim of this Foresight Exercise which made me join in and had hoped to be part of formulating the Action Plan in person.
It is evident that women work more in the unorganized sectors all over the world especially in countries where agriculture has to be done manually. Their work is invisible and they are paid a pittance by the middlemen. Politically India is still hoping to get 33% reservation for women in parliament and governance to happen. Its over 3 decades and nothing has come about it! Hence the battle goes on and many educated women are aware and fighting to get it through.
Women have to afforded equal status politically, economically and socially to make another world possible and women need to network and be funded to attend key conferences like the Millennia2015 for voices to be heard together from the North and South to make an inclusive multicultural society for a balanced and responsible future. A group in France is working with various collectives of Rights and Responsibilities to create a third pillar in the UN- A Declaration of Human Responsibility on which I am working along with colleagues to make a difference in the world that sees Human Rights as one sided -more often than not causing disharmony and misunderstandings-one man's meat may very well be another man's poison!! Rights now have to be practiced with Responsibility as the rights of those who create power structures override others and leave the people powerless leaving the future unbalanced ,vulnerable, exploited and bleak for a third of humanity majority being women and children.
Millennium Development Goals would be seen as Sustainable Developmental Goals post 2015 which is being widely debated by the UN and I have contributing to the exercise. The 37 Variables discussed in the Millennia2015 needs to be included to bring in the action to make women and men realize their responsibilities which were never taken up in the way they should have resulting in the global crisis of 2008. RIO+20 also showed up the lacunae of developed nations and emergent nations like India not committing adequately to the whole idea of climate change and reduction of carbon emissions since the GDP remains still the way to measure of progress. This has to be done away with as the SDG's need to be linked to the Human development Index first and foremost and it is imperative that health and educational quality has to be looked at in-depth as the only way to bring in gender equality.
The use of a wider understanding of terms such as Needs-Rights- Wants-participation and Responsibility has to considered when training community leadership to become more sensitive to quality of developmental work rather than quantifying impact. Foreign aid has to be reassessed and hands joined with governments and NGO's to provide those with funds who work on issues that become sustainable within the context of the local socio-cultural paradigm.
On the economic front Gender budgeting is a must by all governments to allocate resources to improve the well being of women and girls to make reproductive health primary and to allow gender to take centre stage. Then alone can the what the MDG's began and did not achieve be done with SDG's post 2015 where men ,women and children get their god given rights and be allowed to make informed choices in this technologically advanced age sharing knowledge to work towards participatory partnerships to create a just and equitable world.
Sudha Narasimhachar
Social activist and development journalist
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
This has to happen right from homes. Traditional families still treat girl children differently and do not give them full freedom. But that cannot be viewed very independently because various social pressures have led to this situation. Families should first treat a child a child, irrespective of the gender. Thus a girl is as free as a boy in selecting courses of study, institution and career. Parents need to guide children, whether boys or girls about the right directions that they should take and leave them free to choose their field of interest. They should be given enough exposure to make such decisions. It is so nice to see women making name in every field. There are women working as pilots, service officers in the defence, scientists, doctors, engineers, entrepreneurs, industrialists, politicians and every profession that we can think of. They have proved that they are no different to men. Boys in the families should be taught to respect their female siblings and their strengths right from childhood. Only such boys will grow into mature men respecting their female colleagues. It is disgusting to see senior politicians making cheap comments about their female colleagues or other women in the society. That shows the kind of upbringing they have had. Unless the male mindset is prepared right from the beginning, it is very difficult to expect equality and justice for women in the political or social set-up.
Awareness camps for the adults and education for the children are the only ways to bring change in this traditional thinking pattern. Gender discrimination happens right from birth. If we go the shop to buy toys for children, the shop keeper asks for the gender of the child. We are mentally tuned for generations to think that boys are of one kind and girls are of another kind! Many families encourage their boys bossing over their girl children. A girl is asked to obey the father, brother, husband and son throughout her life, without expressing herself. In a country where the father and son do not hesitate to kill the daughter of the family to save its so-called honour, it takes real pain to create awareness. Women themselves are brainwashed to such an extent that they join hands in harassing their daughters and daughters-in-law. Schools have to urgently address these serious social issues and educate the boys and girls about the importance of their roles in the society and their rights and responsibilities. Neighbours and observers should not be mute spectators to such crimes against girls and women, because this is not a private family affair. It is affecting the social fabric and the biological balance. Perpetrators of such crimes should be punished very severely. Doctors who assist in doing away with female feotuses should be punished severely and their licenses should be withdrawn.
Once again families and schools play an important role here. Girls in families should be given enough freedom and decision-making opportunities. They should be consulted on all major decisions of the family. In the school, they should be made to compete with boys on an equal footing in academics and other activities and their leadership qualities should be perpetuated by giving them responsible positions in school committees. There are any number of examples where women have proved their strengths and have taken charge of their lives as well as those around them. There are umpteen number of women leaders in the world who are good examples for girls. School is the place where a child can bloom fully. But often in schools, only the dynamic and pushy children always get all the opportunities. This should not happen. Every child should be given opportunity and trained to use that opportunity in the right manner. Girls who shy away or silently walk out should be goaded to come forward. Just one small success in a child's life makes a lot of difference in the personality and confidence level. Teachers should orient the child towards that small success in every child's life.
Doctors have to be compulsorily made to serve in rural and remote parts of the country at least for a couple of years to understand the situation and problems there. For this, there should be proper motivation and incentive. Only if doctors go there, can they oversee the training and performance of health workers, who are a very poorly paid lot. These health workers too should be given proper security and reasonably decent income, if they are expected to be sincere to their job. NGOs can do a lot in this field. They can pitch in, train service-minded people for serving remote areas. Mobile hospitals at least once or twice a week should be available to all villages. Huge five-star hospitals mushroom in metros with hi-fi technology. Such facilities should be made available at least for serious and complicated diseases in remote areas, at least at a distance of a few hours.
The youth and the media should be tapped to bring mass awareness about the importance of both the genders for the society's health. The politicians should first understand the need and make policies which treat women on par with men. Just a single statutory law in this direction has not been able to see the light of the day in India for ages. Unless there is political will, it is very difficult to make any big change. This issue is like the issue of global warming and environmental protection. How do you make every man understand that man is not the boss of this planet and every other form of life is as important to the planet as man? Even in the most developed countries these issues remain to be sorted out.
Once again women have to nudge themselves with force to enter all fields and take charge along with men and not wait for equality to be given on a platter. There are so many women who are doing that. We have to encourage more and more women to do that. Women shying away from responsible top posts in various fields, though they are competent, should be motivated and supported to go ahead and prove themselves.
Decisions of this conference have to reach the highest political authority of each country through the highest authority of the UN. Thereafter, there should be regular follow-up measures to ensure that the nation implements what was decided. If needed, the UN should arrange for training and empowerment of personnel to work in this field. The strategies should be designed in such a way that they can easily be jelled with existing policy patterns of different countries, so that excuses cannot be given.
Director, Yayasan Gender Harmony
Jakarta, Indonesia
Autonomy will be definitely supported if the resources and facilitation available and affordable for women and girls. Spreading the ICT to villages through local based facility and or mobile facility like being performed in Indonesia is road to success. However leadership needs a special training and process; particularly in social and political. It needs field operational internship likely what been doing Indonesia through “Pencerah Nusantara”, includes the two days Gender Harmony training for supporting proper understanding of men and women within partnership and egalitarian ethos.
The main issue of violence against women and girls is a biased mindset of gender relationship within men and women. The good news: it can be prevented by certain process, namely Gender Harmony (GH) communication process as proved by Indonesia study in 2008 (E. Surjadi et al, 2003, University of Indonesia). We can reduce 56% cases of domestic violence by implementing the GH process compared to 189% evidence for high implementation patriarchy culture and low communication among spouses.
Restoration is a process. Understanding the proper relation and position of men and women may support the mission. Women and girls have barriers; they have specific need; however gender has disparities between men and women. In certain situation and condition women and men can create partnership; thus giving training on proper gender relationship may help men and women back on the track to support collaboration among genders. Women's empowerment is family advancement towards future investment. They can create synergy not a competitive endpoint.
Women have barriers including institutions and resources. Thus, rising the efforts of women positive networks, neighborhood savings for delivery (In Indonesia we call as “Arisan”), promoting healthy lifestyle like being performed in the Gender Harmony training; continue the Mobile health centre services to isolated areas (as being performed in Indonesia) and provide telemedicine particularly for elderly women who are limited by physical access and support to get health facility.
The root of the challenges is the mindset; thus gender harmony training is needed. It is a snow ball process, bigger and bigger afterwards from one group to another society, community and nation. The financial support is needed despite the interest of the people in creating a better world for women and men. Societal transformation is developed based on local wisdom to accept the movement regardless religion and politics. The freedom to choose for family advancement may drag more participants and followers to create equality between women and men in all aspects of living within reality of life.
The world is now a global living environment as plural societies within multiculturalism. Among all other aspects, the economics would be the centrifugal action; thus women must be empowered first by economic skills. It could be started from cottage industry at home for small and medium entrepreneurship, virtual office for women with kids, women in coordinating, as executives and professionals working together with men in partnership. This is a competitive world for institutions and organizations; however must not be competitive between men and women; they have to create synergy and partnership instead. Then we may achieve gender equality and equity.
MDGs although put gender only into one goal in No.3: Promoting Women's empowerment and gender equality; actually this is the centrifugal of all other goals. Poverty and hunger in women is not the same characteristic as happening in men; women have less bargaining power due to physical, age, status, sexual threat and so on. Qualified partnership is supposed to consider those specific women's and girls' needs; integrating the principles into the structure of their programmes; and define those into clusters to all MDGs in relation to gender perspectives. None of the MDGs is out of gender aspects; even Women with Tuberculoses is nowadays found in higher percentage to men (Jakarta: 6:5; in Bogor: 5:3; 2011 Gender Harmony study). Further concept work can be developed later. In the future of 2025, the overall policy, programmes and strategies must have considered the above. We can save money, time and energy by integrating gender properly within appropriate indicators to have MDGs achieved due to women and girls are constitute about 50% + 20% population for the total 70%; and this is becoming bigger to 75-80% if elderly (men and women) is inserted.
Central America - Amérique centrale
Mirlande ZARE
Port-au-Prince, Haïti
A la liste déjà citée dans le premier macro enjeux, nous ajoutons l'information et une solide formation féministe booster pour inciter les femmes et les filles a exiger le retrait du plafond de verre et a le considérer comme facile a vaincre. A tout ca, il faut ajouter un changement de la condition et de la perception de la femme au sein du foyer et de la famille. Notre expérience organisationnelle en Haïti qui montre un changement notable dans la situation des femmes qui s'intègrent mieux dans la vie publique tout en jetant un regard nouveau et un changement de comportement au sein du foyer et de la société en général.
Il faut commencer par opposer la répression à la tradition discriminatoire pour les femmes tout en assurant un appareil judiciaire national et international dédié a la cause d'équité pour les femmes. Ajouter à ca une dose de formation visant un changement de perception des rôles des femmes dans les structures scolaire et universitaire et tout autre milieu susceptible de toucher la population. La rééducation des medias et la mise en place de programmes de formation de l'opinion pour la défense des droits des femmes est un atout majeur alors que les productions culturelles viseraient l'éducation populaire.
Il y un travail de formation spéciale dans tous les niveaux en passant par les medias à faire avec les femmes pour remettre en question Ieur conditionnement. Ouvrir les champs disciplinaires intellectuels traditionnellement masculines et rentables économiquement aux femmes renforcerait leur indépendance, en même temps leur estime et par ricochet leur émancipation du carcan familial et sociétal. Les femmes haïtiennes sont exclues de la sphère publique a cause surtout de leur enferment dans la famille, de la non maitrise des activités publiques et une ségrégation linguistique (la langue du public est le français, alors que la majorité des femmes parlent exclusivement créole). Il faut corriger ce problème tout en axant des programmes sur la maitrise du public.
En Haïti, le cout des soins de santé n'est pas a la portée des femmes. Une minorité nantie et familialement intégrée dans le domaine ou une minorité d'autre classe mais dite intelligente est formée en médecine. La massification de la formation en médecine ferait baisser le cout. En même temps, l'Etat doit assurer l'accès équitable a tous et toutes a la santé. Les financements des recherches devraient être moins masculinisés pour se diriger aussi dans filières des maladies dites féminines. La médecine devrait être liée au culturel. Ce n'est que récemment qu'on a introduit un cours en anthropologie à la faculté de médecine en Haïti. Pourquoi pas un cours sur le genre et les questions féministes aussi ?
Le hic c'est quel sexe est à la base de la production scientifique et la production de la pensée qui fait croire a l'infériorité d'un sexe par rapport a l‘autre? Qui contrôle l'économie, la politique et les armes ? L'Etat est l'acteur principal qui pourrait élaborer de nouvelles politiques publiques respectueuses des principes d'égalité entre les personnes. Cet acteur doit vouloir et doit démontrer sa volonté d'être équitable. Il doit valoriser, vulgariser, appliquer et maitriser la production de la pensée des femmes pour transformer la société.
Les femmes conscientisées au pouvoir changeront les données politiques mondiales. Il faut valoriser et renforcer certaines qualités de travail chez femmes par des prix et la formation. Encourager la pratique de loisir chez les femmes et lutter contre l'idée de super woman qui détruit les femmes. Les femmes doivent se rencontrer sur le plan international pour échanger et développer de nouvelles perspectives de valorisation d'une gestion saine, efficace et efficiente du pouvoir.
Les communautés devraient essayer.
Stéphanie Dubé
Adjointe administrative
Secrétariat international des infirmières et infirmiers de l'espace francophone (SIDIIEF)
Westmount, Québec,Canada
Dans l'esprit d'assurer le développement des compétences des professionnels de la santé, la bonne gouvernance et de soutenir le développement durable, le SIDIIEF propose les cibles d'action suivantes :
1. Rehaussement de la formation des infirmières
S'assurer dès 2015, que les infirmières et les infirmiers, porte d'entrée de tous les systèmes de santé du monde, aient accès à une formation leur permettant de jouer pleinement leur rôle d'agent de santé auprès des communautés en :
- instaurant un système d'enseignement universitaire couvrant les 1er, 2e et 3e cycles d'études en sciences infirmières pour l'ensemble des pays francophones;
- statuant sur le niveau universitaire de bachelier/bachelor/licence en sciences infirmières comme condition d'entrée à la profession infirmière;
- invitant les gouvernements et instances concernées à soutenir prioritairement les pays d'Afrique par des mécanismes de coopération institutionnelle, nationale, intra et inter régionale, visant à mettre en place la formation universitaire en sciences infirmières.
2. Accès au savoir universel et au savoir universel francophone
Soutenir :
- la production et la diffusion de la recherche scientifique en français et autres langues;
- la production et la numérisation des contenus francophones;
- l'utilisation des campus numériques pour la formation à distance : téléapprentissage.
3. Mise en réseau
- S'organiser en réseau régional, national et international. Il est important que les communautés francophones tirent profit des NTI pour créer des communautés d'apprentissages et de soutien, et de multiplier les réseaux d'échanges;
- Favoriser des partenariats universitaires Nord-Sud pour soutenir le développement des compétences, la co-création des savoirs et en assurer la pérennité dans le respect de la diversité des cultures et des systèmes éducatifs.
Fondation Millennia2025 Femmes et Innovation
Organisation dotée du statut consultatif spécial
auprès du Conseil économique et social des Nations Unies
(ECOSOC) depuis 2019
(c) https://www.Millennia2025-Foundation.org
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