Fondation internationale d'utilité publique
pour l'autonomisation des femmes et l'égalité
> Millennia2015 - Conférence internationale 2008 - Palais des Congrès de Liège
Ajouter de la vie aux années, les sciences et technologies au service des femmes
10-W5 - Atelier 5 - Workshop 5
Introduction et présidence : Elizabeth Florescu
Intervenant-e-s : Luiza Spiru - Vanessa Watkins
v Introduction et présidence
Elizabeth Florescu
Directrice de recherche, Projet Millennium de la Fédération mondiale des Associations pour les Nations Unies (WFUNA);
Elizabeth Florescu is Director of Research of the Millennium Project of the World Federation of UN Associations. She has worked with the Project since 1997.
She is the production manager of the annual State of the Future reports, is co-author of "Environmental Crimes, Military Actions, and the International Criminal Court" and "Analysis of the UN Millennium Summit Speeches", and is one of the principal members of the Millennium Project's team working on the environmental security monthly scanning reports assessing possible worldwide environmentalrelated issues that might trigger future international regulations and/or modifications to the existing ones.
She also designed and managed the Project's on-line Delphi process and is now cooperating with Ted Gordon on the Real Time Delphi. Originally from Romania, she presently lives in Calgary, Canada.
Elizabeth has also lived and worked in Washington D.C. (USA), Montreal (Canada), Budapest (Hungary), and Arad (Romania). She is a graduate of the Romanian Academy of Economic Studies (Bucharest), specialization planning and computer sciences.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
> Podcast : Adding life to the years, science and technology benefiting women [vidéo]
v Intervenantes
Luiza Spiru
Executive Vice-president of Ana Aslan, International Academy of Aging; President of the Ana Aslan International Foundation; Head of the Geriatric and Geronto-Psychiatry Department to “Elias” University Hospital in Bucharest;
Bucarest, Roumanie
> Podcast : Adding life to the years, science and technology benefiting women [vidéo]
Vanessa Watkins
Vanessa Watkins is a foresight consultant at Z_punkt The Foresight Company, Essen. She has contributed her expertise to corporate foresight projects for clients such as BASF, Henkel, or Deutsche Telecom, as well as to public foresight process for the National Research Fond of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. As a foresight consultant, she specializes on topics such as cultural change, gender & queer theory and developing markets.
Ms. Watkins graduated with excellence from the University of Lunenburg in cultural theory, art & visual studies, and cultural informatics. She has worked as a research assistant for the Institute for Cultural Theory, contributing to scientific projects, supervising students and tutorials.
Ms. Watkins was a recipient of the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation Scholarship and spokeswomen of the scholar research group for gender issues.
Essen, Germany
2007 – Watkins, Vanessa / Daheim, Cornelia: Female Futures. Trends und Perspektiven weiblicher Zukünfte im Spannungsfeld von Demographie, Pluralisierung und Flexibilisierung. In: Frauen Macht Zukunft. Wien, Milena Verlag.
2006 – Watkins, Vanessa / Fröhlich, Melanie / Heidel, Marlene / Burkart, Günter: Gibt es Virtuosen der Selbstthematisierung? In: Günter Burkart (Hrsg.): Die Ausweitung der Bekenntniskultur – neue Formen der Selbstthematisierung? Wiesbaden, VS Verlag.
2005 – Watkins, Vanessa: Ostalgieshows - Erinnerungskonzepte der Massenmedien. In: Dr. Elizé Bisanz (Hrsg.): Diskursive Kulturwissenschaft. Analytische Zugänge zu symbolischen Formationen der pOst-Westlichen Identität in Deutschland. Hamburg, LIT-Verlag.
2004 – Watkins, Vanessa: Der Cyberspace als Spielwiese der Geschlechterkonstruktion. In: Boeckle, Bettina / Ruf, Michael (Hrsg.): Eine Frage des Geschlechts. Ein Gender-Reader. Hamburg VS Verlag.
v Abstract :
Women 2.0 - Female Lifestyles in a Hyper-Connected World
Rapid global diffusion of the Internet and cellular networks has shown that the information and communication technologies (ICT) meet genuine social needs and business demands. The impact is tremendous: women and men are connected globally (and will be more so in the future), value chains and business processes are being transformed, learning and working are undergoing, in part, extreme changes. How do women participate, shape and create digital life today - e.g. Web 2.0 services, gaming & social networks – and which changes are currently being triggered concerning women's lives tomorrow? The presentation will search for answers to this question and will invite all participants to debated on how future technological & social developments can contribute to improvements in the quality of life of women and foster inter-cultural as well as inter-generational relations worldwide.
> Document : Women 2.0 - Female Lifestyles in a Hyper-Connected World [pdf]
> Podcast : Women 2.0 - Female Lifestyles in a Hyper-Connected World [vidéo]
Fondation Millennia2025 Femmes et Innovation
Organisation dotée du statut consultatif spécial
auprès du Conseil économique et social des Nations Unies
(ECOSOC) depuis 2019
(c) https://www.Millennia2025-Foundation.org
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